Hi! I'm Filipe Consoni, FREELANCE ANIMATOR and animation director (and dog lover).
Former Senior 2D Animator at BUCK, currently based in Brazil.
I'm a versatile artist who can play a variety of roles on projects and with a wide range of styles. From abstract and experimental animations, to fully illustrated character-driven stories, to one of my personal favorite styles: gritty mixed media.
Outside of work you can find me playing drums, taking pictures, building Lego kits and chilling with my three dogs.
Adobe | Airbnb | Amazon | Apple | Bible Project | Cartoon Network | Dell | Discovery | Doritos | EA Games | ESPN | Greenpeace | Hyundai | IBM | LinkedIn | Mailchimp | Meta | Netflix | Riot Games | Samsung | Skittles | Snapchat | Spotify | Twitch | Volkswagen | Vox | WhatsApp | Wilson | YouTube
Brand New School | BUCK | Eido | Fern | Histeria! | I Am Static | Jam3 | Llama | Lobo | Mowe | Ordinary Folk | The Youth
For inquiries or just chat, feel free to reach out at filipeconsoni@gmail.com